Join the International Association of Women Police

Benefits of joining the IAWP

We are a global network of members which understands your working environment, challenges you may face, and your desire to fully embrace your profession.  IAWP membership offers unlimited opportunities to expand your circle, broaden your knowledge and improve your skills. 

Benefits include: 

·       Significantly reduced fees for the annual international training conference

·       Quarterly publication of WomenPolice magazine which highlights officers, best practices and activities around the globe

·       Access to a member directory providing you with contacts from around the globe

·       Ability to participate in training, committee service, or other unique opportunities available to the IAWP

Membership types and eligibility

We offer reduced membership fees based on the 'Gross National Income' as defined by the world bank listing of economies including all countries except those classified by the world bank as 'high income.'  To view the designations, visit our reduced membership fees here.

We accept debit and credit cards online, e-checks online, paper check or money order by mail, Western Union and direct wire transfers.  For assistance with membership, contact For assistance with payment, contact

Memberships for periods longer than shown below, for donations to the organization, or applicants with no Internet access, mail in form and send with your check or money order. To apply to join the IAWP under the Adopted Officer Program, use this link: Adopted Officer Application

    ACTIVE Member
    All law enforcement officers with the power of arrest, who are/were full time officers, are eligible for active membership in the Association. Members in good standing, after retirement from active duty, have the privilege of continuing as active members by payment of annual dues. This shall include those active members who have met these criteria and are now job sharing.

    ASSOCIATE Member
    All others in law enforcement/criminal justice or any person who by training, experience or other professional attainments in law enforcement work, as determined by the Membership Committee, including persons employed as reserve officers, seasonal officers, and those privately employed as security officers, and those individuals who actively promote and support women within law enforcement through training, development or representation, may become associate members of this Association.  

    CORPORATE Member
    Any proprietorship, partnership, firm or corporation that sells products or provides services of interest to law enforcement/criminal justice is eligible to become a corporate member of this Association.  

    Any individual interested in fostering the aims and objectives of this Association may, upon an annual monetary contribution, become a sustaining member. 

    AFFILIATE Member
    Women police associations incorporated in accordance with the statutes of their respective countries and women police associations which are compromised of multiple areas as one association.

    MAGAZINE Subscription Only
    This is not a membership in the organization; it is a subscription for the individual, company, or organization for WomenPolice Magazine, published quarterly. We list it here to include WomenPolice subscriptions in the convenient online system for registrations and payments.

    Special Membership Categories

    To apply under the Adopted Officer Program, use this link: Adopted Officer Application

    To apply under the 90-day Trial Membership, use this link: Join 90-Day Free Trial Application


    Privacy Policy





    © 2024 International Association of Women Police. All Rights Reserved.

    The IAWP and the IAWP Foundation are registered in the United States. The International Association of Women Police, Inc. (a professional association) and IAWP Foundation, Inc. (a charitable and educational organization) are founded under the Internal Revenue Service Codes, 501(c)(6) and 501(c)(3) respectively.