IAWP E-Journal

International Association of Women Police (IAWP) Research Paper series as part of the Criminal Justice Research Network.

Please support our efforts in being the leading ‘voice’ for research and opinion on global women in policing issues and general policing challenges analysed from the gender perspective and create your free subscription today!!

To View Papers and Subscribe: https://ssrn.com/link/Intl-Assoc-Women-Police-IAWP-RES.html
To Submit a paper, email to ejournal@iawp.org

The IAWP Research Paper Series features the latest research and field experiences relating to women in policing in several areas of research including women in leadership roles; gender mainstreaming within police; need for bringing women to the central stage of policing; gender-responsive policing; recruitment, training and retention of women in police; prevention, detection and investigation of physical crime; cybercrime and cyber-victimization of women and girls; and family, and mental and physical health issues impacting women police officers.

Types of Submissions Considered

The IAWP eJournal features the latest research and field experiences from relating to women in policing in several areas of research and practice including, but not limited to the following themes:

  • women in leadership roles.
  • gender mainstreaming within policing.
  • need for bringing women to the central stage of policing.
  • gender-responsive policing.
  • recruitment, training, and retention of women in policing
  • prevention, detection, and investigation of physical crime with a gender-perspective
  • cybercrime and technology-facilitated violence against women and girls; and,
  • family, and mental and physical health issues impacting women police officers.

Original contributions (pre-prints/working papers)

The IAWP eJournal aims to solicit and publish original works that may include original research (both qualitative and quantitative) as well as expert commentary and personal reflections or observations which draw on field experiences or professional perspectives.

Knowledge hub (published works)

The IAWP eJournal also invites the submission of already published works to share with the IAWP community. These submissions may include conference papers or presentations, or articles that are published with the author’s permission, can be re-published through Creative Commons licensing, or circulated due to their relevance to the audience.

Publication type by index category

Sub-types and full range of submissions for consideration

Word count

Type of review

Original submissions (pre-prints/working papers)

Original research and articles

Qualitative and quantitative empirical research.

Theoretically informed analyses.

1500 - 3000

IAWP editorial review


Reflections, observations, critiques and calls for action

500 - 1000

IAWP editorial review

Practice guidelines

Reports and guidelines on evidence-based and evidence-informed practices

1000 - 2000

IAWP editorial review

Knowledge hub (published works)

Conference papers or presentations

Papers or presentations already delivered in conference or workshop proceedings


Reviewed by original publisher

Opinion articles, commentaries, or blogs

Articles already published that can be re-published under Creative Commons licensing


Reviewed by original publisher

Technical reports

Published reports, training guides and other technical guidance documents


As per publisher

To access the complete Author Guidelines, please click here.

To submit your research to the eJournal, please email your submission or enquiries to ejournal@iawp.org.

e-journal is distributed by:

Criminal Justice Research Network (CJRN), a division of Social Science Electronic Publishing (SSEP) and Social Science Research Network (SSRN)

SSRN's searchable library contains abstracts, full bibliographic data, and author contact information for more than 1.2 million papers, more than 1.2 million authors, and full text for more than 1 million papers. This content can be accessed at 

Downloads from SSRN in the past 12 months total more than 34.3 million, with more than 231.2 million downloads since inception.


Privacy Policy



Email: iawp@iawp.org


© 2024 International Association of Women Police. All Rights Reserved.

The IAWP and the IAWP Foundation are registered in the United States. The International Association of Women Police, Inc. (a professional association) and IAWP Foundation, Inc. (a charitable and educational organization) are founded under the Internal Revenue Service Codes, 501(c)(6) and 501(c)(3) respectively.