Mini SurveysIAWP's Mission is to strengthen, unite and raise the capacity of women police around the world. As part of our virtual engagement efforts, IAWP wants to hear from you about your experiences in policing. Each of us is unique and together, as women, we make distinct contributions to our local community and policing environments. We may also experience things differently. That's why we have developed the IAWP Mini Survey initiative. The information is collected anonymously and will be reported back to you so you are more aware of what's happening globally and in relation to your own personal experiences. When and where possible, the information will be compared with other research and used to inform IAWP about its broader membership experience. Gathering metrics allow us to engage in difficult conversations with our partners, colleagues and stakeholders to advance women in policing. Let's raise our voice to affect positive change. Please note: Copyrights may apply to these surveys. Permission is required to use / reproduce the survey, data or information contained in the survey and results. |