Donations from the United States citizens, corporations, businesses and sponsors may be tax deductible. Under certain conditions, contributions to qualified U.S. charitable organizations may be claimed on Canadian income tax returns for Canadian residents. Please confirm your eligibility for this special treaty arrangement with your financial advisor or tax preparer.
Even though we were unable at this time to include other countries for tax-deductible donations, you are still invited and encouraged to make donations to support the programs for which it was created. Donate Today!
The mailing address for donations to the Foundation shall be:
IAWP Foundation Treasurer Julie-Dee Sharkey
PO Box 111412 Anchorage, AK 99511-1412 Telephone: (907) 240-7155
Donate online with your credit card through the Paypal Donate button below:
On the payment screen, to use your credit card look on the left for the detail below; then click "Continue".